Published on CSR

Acting for a sustainable future: towards environmentally-friendly energy consumption

At Staci, reducing our energy consumption is one of our key commitments to responsible environmental impact.

Here’s how we’re implementing this commitment with concrete, ambitious actions ⬇️
💯 Relamping our sites in France: 100% of our warehouses are equipped with intelligent LED lighting, covering an area of 350,000 m2.
☀️Energie Solar energy: our Staci 10 site has 443 photovoltaic panels on its roof.

This approach has also been extended to our international subsidiaries, consolidating our responsible approach on a global scale:
💯Staci Italia: 100% of sites are supplied with renewable energy.
🌞 Staci UK: 2/3 of sites already use renewable energy sources.

❇️ All these actions have enabled Staci to reduce its electricity consumption by 16% in France. At Group level, our ambition is to achieve 100% renewable energy by 2030. ❇️

Together, let’s build a greener, more sustainable future!

#energyreduction #greenenergy #renewableenergy #logistics #wearebpostgroup